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Mitch Douglas
Ruminant Territory Manager
South Australia and Western Victoria
m: 0497 770 701
Mitch grew up on a sheep station just north of Wentworth on the Darling River and as a 4th generation farmer has a passion for anything to do with sheep. After attending boarding school in Adelaide and a six-month cricket tour of England, Mitch returned to work at Walpeup in the Victorian Mallee.
More recently Mitch crossed the border to manage a farm purchased by his family between Bordertown and Naracoorte in South Australia; and has had success adopting new farming techniques. Mitchell uses Regulin in his own flock, which has increased his passion for managing sheep reproduction programs.\
In his spare time Mitch trains kelpies, plays football and cricket and enjoys talking about sheep.
Meet the team

Russ Davis
Technical Advisor and Research Manager
Ceva Animal Health Australia
m: +61 408 832 297
Growing up on a farm and feedlot operation gave Russ a passion for livestock so the agricultural sector was a natural fit after a career in the Armed Forces.
He has held a variety of leadership roles in sales and market development with ProBeef Australia, Ridley AgriProducts and Elders Limited. He has spearheaded the market development of Ceva’s key ruminant reproduction products Regulin and reproPlus™ since 2010, working extensively with research partners to realise the benefits of the products for Australian producers.
Russ lives in Melbourne with his wife Pennie. He travels extensively to support his territory managers; to Europe where Regulin has been used for many years; and more recently to China, where he is responding to market demand for products that improve production.

Jim Meckiff
JM Livestock
Independent Consultant for NSW
m: 0428 332 280
This year, we’re pleased to welcome Jim Meckiff from JM Livestock in Cootamundra as an independent consultant for NSW who can advise producers on all aspects of their breeding programs including the use of Regulin.
Jim brings his extensive experience across the sheep meat and wool industries in production management, breeding and selection, agricultural extension, project and team management with rural retailers and suppliers, R&D and end supply chain to and from the farm. He has been involved in the development and roll out of a range of initiatives including eID tags, BredWell FedWell and T90. He currently supports several producer groups in the Lifetime Ewe Management Program for Rural Industries Skills Training.
For more information about how Regulin can help boost the productivity and profitability of your sheep enterprise, call 1300 6999 16 or use the contact form below and we'll call you.
Regulin® is licensed for use in ewes and rams in Australia by Ceva Animal Health.
Ceva has collaborated with scientists and veterinary practitioners to further knowledge of sheep and goat reproduction. Results have been published in leading academic journals.
Ceva’s commitment to educating veterinarians working with small ruminants also includes the launch of which gathers all available data and publications regarding reproduction in cattle, sheep and goats. The use of melatonin (Regulin®) as a reproductive tool is one of the company's latest contributions in this field.
Ceva is a global company. It has offices in 45 countries and works in more than 110. It has 12 R&D centres, 25 production sites and more than 5000 employees worldwide.
Ceva Animal Health Pty Ltd. 11 Moores Road, Glenorie NSW 2157
T: +61 2 9652 7000 | F: +61 2 9652 7001 | W: