References and research
Our registered claim that Regulin increases lambing by 20% is based on the following research:
Animal Reproduction Science, 30 (1992) 225-258 225; Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam ‘Optimum use of subcutaneous melatonin implants to enhance the reproductive performance of seasonal and non-seasonal sheep joined in Spring and early Summer’
A.H. Williams a, S.R. McPhee b, J.L. Reeve c and L.D. Staples b
a Victorian Institute of Animal Science, Werribee, Vic. 3030, Australia | b Applied Biotechnologies Pry Ltd, PO Box 59, East Kew, Vic. 3102, Australia | c Rutherglen Research Institute, Department of Agriculture, Rutherglen, Vic. 3685, Australia
The science behind Regulin
Since its introduction, the potential applications of Regulin® (registered as Melovine® in Europe) has been widely researched in ewes, rams, goats and to some extent deer. Ceva continues to work with universities and research organisations around the world to explore its potential benefits to livestock producers.
Below is a list of most of the published research we have access too. Unfortunately due to copyright agreements with academic publishers we are no longer able to offer the papers for free download. Please feel free to search online for the papers and contact the authors if you do not wish to pay third parties for their work. You can also EMAIL OUR RESEARCH MANAGER if you have further questions.
Abbas K, Madani T, Djennane AH. Improvement in reproductive performances in Algerian semiarid zones with a melatonin implant Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants (2004) 11:403
Abecia JA, et al. The effect of melatonin treatment on the ovarian response of ewes to the ram effect Domestic Animal Endocrinology (2006) 31:52-62
Abecia JA, et al. Does melatonin treatment during lactation influence milk production in Lacaune and Assaf ewes? Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2005) 3(4):396-401
Abecia JA, et al. Effect of exogenous melatonin on the ovary, the embryo and the establishment of pregnancy in sheep Animal (2008) 2(3):399-404
Vaźquez MI, et al. Effects of melatonin and undernutrition on the viability of ovine embryos during anestrus and the breeding season Animal Reproduction Science (2009) 112:83-94
Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-Bulnes A. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants Animal Reprodictive Science (2012) 130:173-9
Abecia JA, Forcada F, Valares JA. The effect of melatonin treatment on wool growth and thyroxine secretion in sheep Small Ruminant Research (2005) 56:265-70
Abecia JA, Valares JA, et al. The effect of melatonin on the reproductive performance of three sheep breeds in Spain Small Ruminant Research (2007) 69:10-16
Abecia JA, Palacín I, Forcada F and Valares JA. The effect of melatonin treatment on the ovarian response of ewes to the ram effect Domestic Animal Endocrinology (2006) 31:52-62
Abecia JA, et al. The effects of exogenous melatonin on wool quality and thyroid function in Rasa Aragonesa ewes Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2007) 5(2):164-171
Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-Bulnes A. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants Animal Reproduction Science (2012) 130:173-9
Arrebola FA, et al. Effects of annual rainfall and farm on lamb production after treatment with melatonin implants in Merino sheep: A 4-year study New Zealand Veterinary Journal (2009) 57(3):141-5
Bouroutzika E, Ciliberti MG, Caroprese M, et al. Association of Melatonin Administration in Pregnant Ewes with Growth, Redox Status and Immunity of Their Offspring Animals (2021) 11(11):3161
Bonev G, Effect of melatonin treatment on fertility, fecundity, litter size and sex ratio in ewes Agricultural Science and Technology (2012) 4(2):113-16
Bouroutzika E, Kouretas D, et al. Administration of melatonin to pregnant ewes under heat-stress conditions Antioxidants (2020) 9:266
Buffoni, et al. The effect of melatonin and season on in vivo embryo production of Dohne Merino ewes Small Ruminant Research (2014) 120:121-4
Carcangiu V, et al. Esperienze cliniche con impianti di melatonina in agnelle di razza Sarda (Can melatonin shorten puberty in Sarda ewe lambs?) Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia (2006) 35(2):3-9
Carcangiu V, et al. Risposta dell’attività riproduttiva al trattamento con melatonina (Melovine®) in pecore di razza Sarda con differenti BCS (Body Condition Score) (The influence of BCS (Body Condition Score) on the reproductive response to the male effect in Sarda ewes treated with melatonin implants Revista de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia (2008) 39(2):3-7
Carcangiu V, et al. Can advance of first lambing induced by melatonin implants influence the next lambing time in Sarda breed sheep? Canadian Journal of Animal Science (2012) 92: 67-71
Luridiana S, et al. Effetto del trattamento con impianti di melatonina sulla fertilità di pecore di razza Sarda sottoposte ad inseminazione artificiale (The effect of melatonin implants in ewes subjected to synchronisation and artificial insemination) Rivista di Zootecnia e Veterinaria (2010) 42(1)
Mura MC, et al. Risposta riproduttiva al trattamento con impianti di melatonina effettuati a marzo in pecore di razza Sarda (Reproductive response to treatment with melatonin in March in Sarda sheep) Rivista di Zootecnia e Veterinaria (2010) 42(1)
Casao A, et al. The effects of melatonin on in vitro oocyte competence and embryo development in sheep Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2010) 8(1):35-41
Forcada, et. al. The effect of melatonin implants during the seasonal anestrus on embryo production after superovulation in aged high-prolificacy Rasa Aragonesa ewes Theriogenology (2006) 65:356-65
Gomez-Brunet A, et al. Reproductive response and LH secretion in ewes treated with melatonin implants and induced to ovulate with the ram effect Animal Reproduction Science (1995) 39:23-34
Gutierrez J, et al. Eficacia de la utilización de implantes de melatonina (Melovine) para la producción de lechazos de venta cercana a las navidades (Efficacy of the use of Melatonin Implants (Melovine®) for the production of un-weaned lambs for sale near Christmas) (2004)
Haresign W, The effect of implantation of lowland ewes with melatonin on the time of mating and reproductive performance Animal Production (1992)54:31-9
Luridiana S, et al. Melatonin treatment in spring and reproductive recovery in sheep with different body condition score and age Animal Reproduction Science (2015) 160:68–73
Luther JS, Redmer DA, et al. Effects of Melatonin and Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR) Device on Follicular Development and Oocyte Quality in the Anestrous Ewes Treated with Follicle Stimulating Hormone Theriogenology (2005) May 63(8):2136-46
Luther JS, Redmer DA, et al. Improved Methods for the Production of Embryos in Seasonally Anestrous Ewes
Martin S, Martino A, et al. Mejora de los índices reproductivos de la raza Merina (Improving reproduction in Merino sheep: Melatonin treatments or vaginal sponges) Granaderia (2003)
Mura MC, Luridiana S, et al. Carry-over effect in reproductive activity from melatonin treated to control ewes (2012) Poster for World Buiatrics Congress, Lisbon
Mura MC, et al. Lambing in November after treatment with melatonin implants in Sarda sheep Rivista di Zootecnia e Veterinaria (2010) 43(2)
Mura MC, et al. Melatonin treatment in winter and spring and reproductive recovery in Sarda breed sheep Animal Reproduction Science (2017) 185:104-8
Palacín I, et al. Meta analysis melatonin implants for improving reproductive performance in sheep Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research (2011) 9(3):730-43
Scott PR, Sargison ND, Macrae AI, Gough. MR. Melatonin treatment prior to the normal breeding season increases fetal number in United Kingdom sheep flocks The Veterinary Journal (2009) 182:198-202
Dunstan EA, Staples L, Cox R, Earl C. Combined effect of Fecundin and Regulin to improve reproductive performance in mid-summer joining of Border Leicester x Merino ewes Wool Technology and Sheep Breeding (1988) 36(4) Article 12
Uslu BA, Tasal I, Gulyuz F, et al. Effects of oestrus synchronisation using melatonin and norgestomet implants followed by eCG injection upon reproductive traits of fat-tailed Morkaraman ewes during suckling, anoestrus season Small Ruminant Research (2012) 108:102-6
Vacca GM, Carcangiu V, et al. Melovine®: Esperienze cliniche in pecore di razza Sarda (Melovine®: clinical experiences in Sarda sheep) Rivista di Zootecnia e Veterinaria (2007) 36(1):3-9
Vasquez MI, Forcada F, et al. Undernutrition and Exogenous Melatonin Can Affect the In Vitro Developmental Competence of Ovine Oocytes on a Seasonal Basis Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2010) 45:677-84
Vasquez MI, Forcada F, et al. Effect of exogenous melatonin on embryo viability and uterine environment in undernourished ewes Animal Reproduction Science (2013) 141(1-2):52-61
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Williams AH, McPhee SR, Reeve JL, Staples, LD. Optimum use of subcutaneous melatonin implants to enhance the reproductive performance of seasonal and non-seasonal sheep joined in spring and early summer Animal Reproduction Science (1992) 30:225-58
Yildiz A. Improving the conception rate of dairy cows by using a melatonin implant Large Animal Review (2015) 21:201-5

Abecia JA, Araya J, et al. Photoperiod-melatonin-induced, sexually activated rams increase pregnancy rate and number of lambs per ewe in a ram effect Large Animal Review (2018) 24:31-5
Abecia JA, Chemineau P, Keller M, Delgadillo JA. Extended day length in late winter/early spring, with a return to natural day length of shorter duration, increased plasma testosterone and sexual performance in rams with or without melatonin implants Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2017);1-6
Abecia JA, Forcada F, González-Bulnes A. Pharmaceutical Control of Reproduction in Sheep and Goats Veterinary Clinic Food Animal Practice (2011) 27:67-79
Abecia, Palacín I, Roche A. Efecto de los implantes de melatonina y la presencia de compañeros sobre los rendimientos de los moruecos durante la monta (Effect of melatonin implants and flock mates on mating performance of rams) Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria (2015) 4
Arranz JM, Lagriffoul G, Guerin Y. Chemineau P. Control of sperm production in rams by treatments associating extra-light and melatonin implants Rencontres autour des recherches sur les ruminants (1995) 2:425-8
Casao A, Gallego M, et al. Identification and immunolocalisation of melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors in Rasa Aragonesa ram spermatozoa Reproduction, Fertility and Development (2012) CSIRO Publishing
Casao A, Mendoza N, Pérez-Pé R, Grasa P, et al. Melatonin prevents capacitation and apoptotic-like changes of ram spermatozoa and increases fertility rate Journal of Pineal Research (2010) 48:39-46
Kleemann DO, Kelly JM, Arney LJ, Farley IL, Tilbrook AJ, Walker SK. Positive Effects of Melatonin Treatment on the Reproductive Performance of Young Border Leicester Rams Mated to Merino Ewes in Spring: Preliminary Observations Reproduction in Domestic Animals ©2014 Commonwealth of Australia
Lincoln GA, Tortonese DJ. Prolactin Replacement Fails to Inhibit Reactivation of Gonadotropin Secretion in Rams Treated with Melatonin Under Long Days Biology of Reproduction (1999) 60:602-10
Palacín I, Abecia JA, Forcada F, et al. Effects of exogenous melatonin treatment on out-of-season ram fertility Italian Journal of Animal Science (2008) 7:199-206
Pool KR, Rickard JP, Pini T, De Graaf SP, Exogenous melatonin advances the ram breeding season and increases testicular function Nature Scientific Reports (2020) 10:9711
Rekik M, Tabouri R, Ben Salem I, Fehri Y, et al. Melatonin administration enhances the reproductive capacity of young rams under a southern Mediterranean environment Animal Science Journal (2015) 86(7):666-72
Rosa HJD, Juniper JT and Bryant MJ. Effects of recent sexual experience and melatonin treatment of rams on plasma testosterone concentration, sexual behaviour and ability to induce ovulation in seasonally anoestrous ewes Journal of Reproduction and Fertility (2000) 120: 169-176
Stellflug JN, Cockett NW, Lewis GS. Relationship between sexual behavior classifications of rams and lambs sired in a competitive breeding environment Journal of Animal Science (2006) 84:463-8

Bramis G, Gelasakis AI, Kanoulas V, Arsenos G. The use of melatonin in reproductive management of dairy sheep and goats in Greece (Poster for Buiatrics Congress 2012)
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Duan C, Xu J, Sun C, Jia Z, Zhang W. Effects of melatonin implantation on cashmere yield, fibre characteristics, duration of cashmere growth as well as growth and reproductive performance of Inner Mongolian cashmere goats Journal of Animal Science Biotechnology (2015) 6(1):22-7
du Preez ER, Donkin EF, Boyazoglu PA, Rautenbach GH, Barry DM, Schoeman HS. Out-of-season breeding of milk goats–the effect of light treatment, melatonin and breed Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (2001) 72(4):228-31
Lemeiter J. Utilisation de la Mélatonine en Elevage Caprin (Use of Melatonin in Goat Farming) Doctoral Thesis (2004) National Veterinary School of Alfort, France
Zaragaza LA, Gatica MC, Celi I, Guzmán JL, Malpaux B. Effect of melatonin implants on sexual activity in Mediterranean goat females without separation from males Theriogenology (2009) 72:910-18
Zaragaza LA, Gatica MC, Celi I, Guzmán JL. Reproductive Performance is Improved During Seasonal Anoestrus when Female and Male Murciano–Granadina Goats Receive Melatonin Implants and in Payoya Goats when Females are thus Treated Reproduction in Domestic Animals (2012) Jun;47(3):436-42
Zarazaga LA, Gatica MC, Celi I, Guzmán JL, Malpaux B. Artificial long days and daily contact with bucks induce ovarian but not oestrous activity during the non-breeding season in Mediterranean goat females Animal Reproduction Science (2011) May;125(1-4):81-7
Zarazaga LA, Gatica MC, Celi I, Guzmán JL, Malpaux B. Artificial long days in addition to exogenous melatonin and daily contact with bucks stimulate the ovarian and oestrous activity in Mediterranean goat females Animal (2011) Aug;5(9):1414-19
Zarazaga LA, Gatica MC, Gallego-Calvo L, Guzmán JL. The reproductive performance of female goats treated with melatonin is not improved after introduction to bucks displaying springtime sexual activity if these does are experiencing decreasing body weight/condition score Animal Reproduction Science (2017) 179:57-66

For more information about how Regulin can help boost the productivity and profitability of your sheep enterprise, call 1300 6999 16 or use the contact form below and we'll call you.
Regulin® is licensed for use in ewes and rams in Australia by Ceva Animal Health.
Ceva has collaborated with scientists and veterinary practitioners to further knowledge of sheep and goat reproduction. Results have been published in leading academic journals.
Ceva’s commitment to educating veterinarians working with small ruminants also includes the launch of which gathers all available data and publications regarding reproduction in cattle, sheep and goats. The use of melatonin (Regulin®) as a reproductive tool is one of the company's latest contributions in this field.
Ceva is a global company. It has offices in 45 countries and works in more than 110. It has 12 R&D centres, 25 production sites and more than 5000 employees worldwide.
Ceva Animal Health Pty Ltd. 11 Moores Road, Glenorie NSW 2157
T: +61 2 9652 7000 | F: +61 2 9652 7001 | W: